A good second attempt, however it still needs more bass. Perhaps a standalone strong bass playing in the background could help a lot. The song also needs a little more variety, such as changing the chord to make it sound a lot more diverse. Just going up and down every 8 or 16 bars can help a lot.
The drums have been improved a lot, but it could use a bit more work. From what I can hear, most of the main beats are still 2 bars, which is fine honestly, but extending it to 4 bars should make the listening experience much better. I'm talking about a different pattern at the end of the first pattern, and repeating the two patterns again and again. Something like Kick-break-Snare-break-break-Kick-Snare-break-Kick-break-Snare-break-Kick-Kick-Snare-break is quite common for a 4 bar.
With that said, there are a few bad additions you added to your song. The additions themselves may not be that bad but the way you implemented it is not very good. The additions I'm talking about are the SFX. They're so loud it's obnoxious. Tune it down a little perhaps.
Also the song is too loud, but that can be a style.